A Spectrio Engage Voice show is a collection of media organized within a music zone and a voice zone to marry the two media types harmoniously into one lineup of audio that can be scheduled to one or more Channels. Your Show library is where Shows are stored. Shows can be created and edited in the Show Editor, and then scheduled to Channels from the Show library. The Show library can be viewed by clicking on “My Shows” on the Spectrio Engage menu bar within the web portal.
When you create a new show, or select an existing show and click the edit button, you’ll be taken to the Show Editor. On this page, you are able to drag and drop media from your library into the show in the appropriate zone at the bottom of the editor page, depending on the file type.
Find the files in your Media library either by clicking through the pages or by using the search bar above the table, then drag the media into the corresponding zone. Once in the zone, you can rearrange media however you like, and duplicate files if you would like them to play multiple times throughout the show. When finished, just click Save.