Troubleshooting - Samsung Tizen (PMH)
Common steps to take when troubleshooting an issue on an Samsung Tizen (PMH) E Series player.
Intro to Troubleshooting a Samsung Tizen (PMH) E Series Player
In this article, we will discuss different troubleshooting steps to take if your Samsung Tizen (PMH) E Series device is experiencing playback issues.
When experiencing playback issues with your Samsung Tizen device, we want to ensure:
- The Software Version is up to date,
- The Device has a proper Network Connection
- The Date and Time are configured correctly on the monitor.
Is the TV's Software Version up-to-date?
Current Samsung Tizen (PMH) Software Version: 2110.5
When experiencing playback issues with any E Series device, the first thing to confirm is if the TV's software is on the latest version supported by the IW Player. If the TV is on an older version, or even on a newer version that may not be supported yet, issues can occur that can easily be solved by updating to the supported version for the TV.
Below are the instructions on how to check what version your TV is running and how to update the software if it is necessary:
Checking the Software Version on your Samsung Tizen (PMH)
1. Press the Menu Button on the remote to access the Settings Menu on the TV.
2. In the Menu, navigate to Support.
3. Then, select Contact Samsung.
4. Note the number listed at the end of the Software Version, and compare with the most current version: 2110.5
If the software version is not on the current version listed above, please follow these steps to upgrade the TV:
NOTE: The IWPlayer App CAN'T be running to perform an upgrade. If there is content or an Industry Weapon logo on the TV, please press Exit on the remote.
1. Download the folder below to access the files to the current software version:
2. Unzip the file which will result in a folder named T-HKMLAKUC_USB.
3. Rename the folder to T-HKMLAKUC.
4. Copy the folder to the root folder of a blank USB drive.
5. Plug the USB into the Tizen.
6. With the remote control, go to Menu > Support > Software Update > Update Now
7. The device will ask if you want to update from the USB drive. Select Yes.
8. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the update process.
Does the TV have a proper Network Connection?
If the device is not connecting to the MediaBridge and the Software Version is on the current version, the next step to take is to confirm that the TV has an adequate network connection to communicate.
As you're following the steps below to check the network settings on the TV, make sure to have your team double-check the firewall rules to confirm the ports are open. The E Series Network Diagram is a good resource to use when troubleshooting network connection issues.
To check the Network Connection:
1. If the IWPlayer App is running, press the Exit button on the remote to shut down the App.
2. Press the Menu Button on the remote to access the Settings Menu on the TV.
3. In the Menu, navigate to Network.
4. Then, select Open Network Settings to confirm the network information is configured.
5. If the Network Settings are configured with the correct information, navigate to Menu > Network > Network Status to check the connection on the device.
Is the Time and Date correct on the TV?
When the Time and Date are incorrectly set on the TV, whether it be Automatic or Manual, this can cause discrepancies with syncing and playback on the digital signage player app.
Follow the steps below to confirm the Time and Date on the TV is correct:
To check the Date & Time on the TV:
1. If the IWPlayer App is running, press the Exit button on the remote to shut down the App.
2. Press the Menu Button on the remote to access the Settings Menu on the TV.
2. In the Menu, navigate to System.
3. Then, select Time.
4. Lastly, select Clock. Confirm that the time set on the device is correct.
Troubleshooting Next Steps
If you have completed the steps and verified all of the information above and are still experiencing problems, please reach out to the Spectrio Support Team to assist in troubleshooting and determining the root cause of the issue.
Please email or call 877-607-0562.