Please see this article regarding how to log into the EngageDSX app via SpectrioCloud.
- Under "My Shows" in the side menu, you’ll find all of your playlists of content.
- Click “New Show” up top to start fresh, and then select a Show Layout, which determines how your screen will be broken up into content sections. Click next.
- From the Show Editor, you can drag and drop content from My Media directly into the various zones of your Layout to create a playlist. Be sure to only use content that is appropriately sized for each zone based on the content’s aspect ratio. The clips background will appear red in the zone if not matched up correctly. Use the search bar to help find sizes and media.
- When you’ve built your show, give it a name and click the “Schedule” calendar icon at the top to select how, when, and where you’d like it to appear.
- This will take you to the Calendar, where you can select which players in your network you’d like to send the Show to. You can also select whether to have this content play all day every day or select specific daily hours or times of the week or month you’d like it to play on screen.
- Within minutes, the content from your show will begin to play on the selected screens according to your schedule.