Configuration - Account Images
Set custom images for your Account Login, Alert Messages, or Device Sync Screen.
Intro to Account Images
In this article, we will review the Account Images section in Configuration.
Within Account Images, you can set a logo on your CommandCenterHD (CCHD) Dashboard, configure background images for custom alerts in the AlertHD App, and custom sync screens.
Account Image
An Account Image can be set to display your company or organization logo on the login page for CCHD, a user's Dashboard if the page is set to use the Default - Classic option.
Use Custom Alerts
Use Custom Alerts works in conjunction with the AlertHD App to place a custom background image for all alerts created on Horizontal or Vertical screens.
- Set Use Custom Alerts to ON.
- Image - Choose an image from your computer for either, or both, Horizontal and Vertical displays.
- Alert Text Position - Adjust the Height (H) and Width (W) of the text area in playback and the X and Y coordinates for the placement of the top let corner of the text area for the image.
Custom Sync Image
When a device is rebooted during a sync cycle, it will display a plain sync pause page on reboot until the new content was ready. The Custom Sync Image allows you to set a custom graphic to brand that page versus seeing that sync pause page.
- Set Use Custom Sync Images to ON.
- Image - Choose an image from your computer for either, or both, Horizontal and Vertical displays.