Configuration - Account Settings
Set Account Information like Primary Contact, Location, and Upgrade Preferences!
Intro to Account Settings
In this article, we will review Account Settings in Configuration .
Account Settings provide information that is relevant to the CommandCenterHD (CCHD) account, as well as important settings like specific user contacts and account upgrade preferences.
Two Factor Authentication
Two Factor Authentication allows an Account to verify User logins usign a two-step method, sending a verification code to a User's email address or designated phone number.
CLICK HERE to learn how to configure Two Factor Authentication for the Account and Users. If you would like to use Two Factor Authentication, and don't see it in your Account Settings, reach out to your Account Manager.
Web Cache Key
A Web Cache Key is a key provided for MediaBridges and AppBridges to utilize WebCache content. This is critical for certain integrations, as well as in the synchronization of some E-Series devices.
Primary Contact
Primary Contact allows you to set the main point of contact for the Account as a whole. This allows fellow Administrators, and Spectrio, to confirm the person to reach out to for certain pieces of information.
Choose a User from the Name dropdown. The User's email will autofill the Email, or you can manually enter a better email address if necessary. You can add a Phone number, as well.
System Outage Contact(s)
System Outage Contact(s) allows you to specify which users should receive notifications of system outages during maintenance windows.
To Select Users, click on names within the list. To choose multiple, hold down Ctrl or Shift while clicking.
Location Details
Location Details allows you to provide a Location for the account as a whole and the Time Zone associated.
Daily System Diagnostic Digests
Daily System Diagnostic Digests, used in conjunction with the System Notifications App, allow an user to receive a once a day email notification that collects select diagnostics over the past 24 hours, based on specific criteria.
Upgrade Preferences
Upgrade Preferences set the upgrade option that works best for the Account. Upgrades not only impact CCHD, but will also update the firmware of the MediaBridge(s), AppBridge(s), and device(s) connected to it, if there are any to process.
There are three different upgrade options to choose from in the Account's Configuration section. All upgrade options need to be scheduled through Support, so no upgrades are ever automatic with new releases of software/firmware:
- Automatic upgrades allow for an Account upgrade to be processed at any time of the day, once an upgrade is approved.
- Scheduled upgrades allow an Account to choose a specific Day and Time during the week to schedule approved upgrades.
- Manual upgrades will require our Support team to contact an Administrator to choose a specific Day and Time that works best for the Account.