This tutorial is an overview of the Content Library functionality of the Spectrio Content Management System.
Tutorial Video
Content Library
The Content Library features content that has been created for you by brands. This content will automatically appear in the Content Library based on the content packages you’ve selected.
For ease of management, brand content is organized into channels. Click the “Show More” button to view all content in the channel.
Channel controls allow you to quickly adjust the play frequency for ads in the channel. When the switch displays green, the channel is turned on. The Frequency control next to it offers levels of play frequency for content inside the channel.
When a channel’s play frequency is set, any future content that becomes available in the channel will adopt those same settings. This way, you can set your preferences once, and only worry about adjustments when it’s time to take advantage of seasonal or special promotions.
If there is content that should have different play settings than the rest of the content in the channel, you can use the controls on the content's thumbnail to adjust. You can also click on the thumbnail to preview the content.
If you’re looking for quick access to a specific channel, use the search bar at the top of the Content Library pane to filter by channel name or search for a specific image or video.
Remember to use the Update Now button to make your changes take immediate effect!