Campaign Slide Editor: Additional Tools
Add Guidelines and Hide or Show Borders, Touch Points, or the Grid Overlay for your Campaign Slide.
Intro to the Additional Tools in the Campaign Slide Editor
In this article, we will review the remaining aesthetic and functional tools available in the Toolbar at the bottom of a Campaign Slide.
Giving a user the ability to add Guidelines, view the Grid Overlay for the slide, and hide or show specific items on the Slide help with strategic placement of assets and let's a user see what the Slide would look like in playback.
Guidelines lets a user add Vertical and Horizontal Lines to the Slide to assist with asset placement. The Guidelines are used to snap the asset into a specific position based on the layout of the lines.
To add a Vertical Guideline, click on the Add Vertical Line button. To add a Horizontal Guideline, click on the Add Horizontal Line button. The Guideline specified will then show on the Slide.
Vertical Lines are able to move left and right, and Horizontal Lines are able to move up and down.
When you click away from the Guidelines as you're adjusting them, you can change back and forth between the Grid to assist with placing the Lines.
Once you're Guidelines are placed, you can then snap your asset to the Line(s).
Hide/Show Grid Overlay
Grid Overlays are used as an asset placement tool in the system. A Grid for a Slide can be chosen in Slide Settings, under the Click here for the More Options.
By default, the Grid is Hidden, which means you are able to see the Grid Overlay on the Slide.
To Show the Grid, click the Hide/Show Grid icon on the Toolbar at the bottom until it is the button is darkened.
To Hide the Grid, click the Hide/Show Grid icon until the button is no longer darkened.
Hide/Show Borders
Borders are the Orange Dotted Lines that surround an asset on a Campaign Slide.
By default, Borders are set to Show. To Hide the Borders, click the Hide/Show Borders icon on the Toolbar at the bottom until it is the button is darkened.
To Show the Borders, click the Hide/Show Borders icon until the button is no longer darkened.
Hide/ Show Touch Points
Touch Points allows you to add markers that overlay content in order to create interactive digital signage that can be used to either start a Campaign or playback a Fullscreen video.
By default, Touch Points are set to Show. To Hide the Touch Points, click the Hide/Show Touch Points icon on the Toolbar at the bottom until it is the button is darkened.
To Show the Layer, click the Hide/Show Touch Points icon until the button is no longer darkened.