Users - Email Templates
Create custom Welcome Email Templates to help new Users onboard with the important information for your account.
Intro to Email Templates
In this article, we will review Email Templates in the Users section of CommandCenterHD (CCHD).
Email Templates allows an Administrator to create and manage custom welcome emails that are sent to new Users in CCHD. Using the default email as a template, the standard text can be changed to better reflect the pertinent information that any new User will need to know for your account.
Accessing Email Templates
1. Hover over the Wrench Icon in the top right corner of CCHD, and click Users.
2. On the right side of the Manage Users page, click the Groups button.
System Welcome Email and Best Practices
The System Welcome Email is the default email template the system uses to welcome any new Users added into CCHD. In almost all situations, this email is sufficient to give new Users the simple information needed to get started.
If you do find the need to create a new template, it's best to incorporate the main sections outlined in the System Welcome Email with the information you'd like to provide:
- Welcome! - Make sure you have some brief message welcoming the User to your CCHD account.
- Logging In - This section should be left untouched, as it is critical to the initial login for the User. But, feel free to add any information in the opening paragraph above the steps for logging in.
- Training - Make sure the User knows about the IW Help Center and Live Trainings available. Even if they should redirect to someone on your own team, it's helpful to know the people to turn to if someone needs assistance with CCHD.
- Support - Make sure the User is aware of the best process to follow to engage in Support issues, whether that be directly with Spectrio or to have all inquiries funnel to a person or help desk on your team.
Creating a New Email Template
1. In Email Templates, click Add Template.
On the right side of the page, an editable version of the Default Welcome Email Template will show.
2. Give the custom template a Name and an Email Subject. You can also check the Set as Default checkbox to have this template default as email that will be sent to all new Users.
3. Edit the Body of the email to reflect the information you'd like your new Users to be aware of when they first log into CCHD.
IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT change the bracketed information under the Logging In section. Changing the Account ID, Username, or Password data fields will reflect in the emails and cause issues and confusion when logging in.
4. Once finished with any edits, click Save in the top right corner of the page.
Managing an Email Template
On the left side of the page, underneath the Add Template button, is the list of active templates.
The System Welcome Email will always be available, and can not be removed from the system.
All other templates will be custom ones created by an Administrator. You can preview the email using the Eye Icon, edit the template with the Notepad Icon, and delete the template with the Red X.
Whichever template is set as the Default, will reflect in the list with red italic text. If none of the custom templates are set as the default, the System Email Email will become the default option.
Using an Email Template
All templates will show under the Welcome Email Template field when creating a new User in the Users section. The default option will automatically be set as the Welcome Email Template.
When the new User's information has been entered and saved, the Email Template chosen will be sent to the User's email address to begin the login process.