Users - Permissions
Set high-level permissions to designate a User's accessibility to sections within CCHD.
Intro to User Permissions
In this article, we will review Permissions in the Users section of CommandCenterHD (CCHD).
Permissions are used to give each User the adequate access needed within CCHD. From an Administrator with all access to a standard User that only has the ability to add and edit Media and Campaigns, there are options for all sections in the system.
Accessing Permissions
1. Hover over the Wrench Icon in the top right corner of CCHD, and click Users.
2. On the Manage Users page, click on the Name of the User in the list on the left side of the page. If this is a New User, fill out the fields on the right side of the page to Create a User.
3. When the User's information has populated, or has been added in the case of a New User, click the Permissions and Groups button in the lower part of the section on the right.
NOTE: If a User has the Administrator or Grant All Access options checked, they will still have the full access allotted under those permissions. If you would like to restrict permissions for a User with one of those options, uncheck the associated box first.
Permissions and Groups
In the Permissions and Groups window that pops up, a User profile can be restricted further by enabling or disabling access to certain parts of the system.
You can toggle access to sections and Apps under User Permission Profile. The options below will give you an idea of how to properly set permissions for the User:
- On - The User WILL have access to the section or privileges within the section.
- Normal/Add Edit Access - The User will have standard Add and Edit privileges in the specified section.
- Admin/Administer - The User will have Administrator privileges within the specified section. This adds the option to Delete or set permissions for assets and objects.
- Off/No Access - The User WILL NOT have access to the section or privileges within the section.
User Content Groups allow you to add a user to multiple groups. When the User uploads or creates new content, the content will be owned and accessible to their Default Group; being a part of multiple groups, the User will have access to what is available in the groups that are turned ON for them.
Saving Changes for Permissions and Groups
Once finished making the necessary changes for Permissions and Groups, click Apply User Settings in the bottom right corner of the window.
Then, click the Save User button on the right side of the Manage Users page to fully save the User's information.
Permissions Example Overview
The video below presents permission configuration examples within CCHD: