Steps to set up Mosaic in Windows
1. Ensure that all displays are connected to the device and powered on
2. Right click on the Windows desktop and select Display Settings.
3. Ensure that in the Windows display settings are appropriately detecting each distinct display at the proper resolution for each.
Note: Each display will initially need to be set to Landscape orientation, regardless of the intended final rotation of the display output.
4. Close this Display settings menu, and right click on the desktop once more.
5. Navigate to the 'Nvidia Control Panel'
6. From the Nvidia control panel, select 'Set Up Mosaic' underneath the 'Workstation' tab. This will open the mosaic configuration menu.
7. Select 'Identify Displays' to ensure that the numbers for each display is noted down prior to configuration.
8. Once confirmed and noted, select 'Create new configuration'.
9. Ensure that the 'Number of Displays' is properly selected and matches the number of displays you have connected.
10. Select the proper topology (Rows x Columns).
11. Select the orientation option for the displays under the 'Orientation of displays' field if an option aside from the default landscape is intended.
12. Select 'Next' at the bottom of the page.
13. Ensure that all of the proper displays are selected for each of the available or in-use graphics adapters. If they are not selected, simply tick the box next to the listing in order to activate it for the mosaic configuration. While in this menu, ensure that the resolution per display and refresh rate matches appropriately, as well.
14. Select 'Next'.
15. Drag the display icons to the grid on the bottom half of the screen labeled topology. Make sure they are in the proper order based on the numbers noted earlier.
16. Select 'Apply' and wait for the configuration to load. This can take some time, and the screen may go black for the duration.
17. Select 'Finish' once complete.
Install the IWPlayer Application
1. The following link will take you to the installation instructions for the Windows player App.
2. Download and install the application file
3. Run the IWPlayer application
4. The application should start up and show a 6-digit authorization pin code
5. Use the Authorization code to add the player to your CCHD account
Install the IWPlayer Application (No Network Access on Player)
1. The following link will take you to the installation instructions for the Windows player App.
2. Download the application and load the .exe file onto a USB flash drive
3. Copy the application from the flash drive to the W8 player desktop
4. Double click the application icon and follow the installation instructions. Do not run the application after install.
5. Once installed, open the Windows search box and type the following:
6. Press Enter
7. Open the Industry Weapon folder
8. Use notepad to open the ECA.ini file
9. Add the following two lines under the [Network] section
10. Save and close the file.
11. Run the IWPlayer application
12. The application should start up and show a 6-digit authorization pin code
13. Use the Authorization code to add the player to your CCHD account
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