This guide contains step-by-step instructions on using the Media Tagging feature in Share.
All uploaded Photos which for a User or a Community can be tagged.
Adding Tags to Photos during Upload
- Select the ‘Pictures and Video’ tab of a Community or User Account from the navigation pane in the web application.
- From the ‘Albums’ page, select any Album
- On the Album page, click ‘Add’-> "Picture -> ""
- A Pop-up will be displayed titled ‘Open’ which will allow you to select the photos you would like to upload. When that / those files have been selected – click the ‘Open’ button in the bottom right corner of the dialog.
- After selecting the photo or photos that you wish to upload – the ‘Upload Pictures’ dialog will be displayed with the selected photo(s) displayed.
NOTE: There is a single option on the dialog that changes when a single or multiple pictures have been selected. It is the ‘Apply tags to all photos’ option. If selected – it will apply the selection of individuals to be tagged to ALL of the photos being uploaded. If there are already selections made on the Media Tagging option for ANY picture displayed in the dialog – those selections will be removed.
- For each photo, add a ‘Caption’ or modify the ‘Community’ as desired. To add ‘Media Tagging’ to a Photo, which is an optional value – click on the ‘Change’ link on the ‘Media Tagging’ row under the picture to be modified. A pop-up dialog will be displayed – “Upload Pictures”.
- Select any individual or group of users by checking the checkbox next to their name. If the user(s) you wish to select span across multiple pages in the list of users displayed for the community – click ‘Next’ and or ‘Back’ in the bottom right of the dialog as needed.
NOTE: If you want to select all current users in the community to be tagged – click the checkbox on the first line which is ‘Select All’. This will place a check checkbox in all the checkboxes for the users AND will change the value of the first option in the dialog to ‘Unselect All’.
- When you are satisfied with the choice(s) made for ‘Media Tagging’, click on the ‘Back’ button on the bottom left of the dialog to go back to the ‘Upload Pictures’ process.
NOTE: Each user that was selected in the previous step will be listed under the ‘Media Tagging’
Figure 1 Single User Selected for 'Media Tagging'
Figure 2 Multiple Users Selected for 'Media Tagging'
- After changing the ‘Captions’, ‘Communities’, and the ‘Media Tagging’ to the desired values – click on the ‘Upload’ button in the bottom right of the dialog.
- On the bottom right of the screen – you may notice a notification that will appear when the picture(s) have been successfully uploaded.
- In addition to now having the picture(s) added to the specified Album, each user who was tagged in one or more of the photos that was uploaded will receive a Message with the subject “New Picture’.
- Family Managers or other authorized individuals who would see any messages delivered to the resident will see this message as well.
- To see the content of the message – double click on it and you will see the following which contains the name of the Sender, the date and time that the message was sent, and the Subject ‘New Picture’ with the description “A new picture has been added to your ‘<Album Name>’ folder.
NOTE: If during the upload of multiple pictures, individuals are ‘Media Tagged’ multiple times – they will receive a single email. However, all of the pictures that they have been tagged in will appear in their Album.
Users can see all of the pictures that they have been tagged in by going to their ‘All Pictures’ album within ‘Pictures and Video’.
- Select the ‘Pictures and Video’ tab in the navigation pane on the left.
- On the “Pictures and Video’ page – click on the desired Album.
- When the album is opened – the pictures the resident was tagged in will appear with all of the other pictures added to the album.
NOTE: Visually, there is not a difference between the pictures the resident was tagged in and the ones they or others have uploaded directly to their album. If a user were to go through the existing ‘Edit Photos’ process – they would see users which were Tagged on the photo. However, if the original picture is deleted or modified in a way which makes it no longer accessible through tagging – it will no longer appear in the resident’s album.
Modifications Which Make Media Tagged Photos Unavailable
‘Media Tagged’ photos will be available to all individuals ‘tagged’ on them until one of the following ‘Edit Photo’ actions are taken:
- The Picture is deleted.
- The ‘Media Tagging’ is edited, and a resident is removed.
- The ‘Communities’ option is changed to one which the resident does not belong.
- The ‘Access on Demand’ setting for the Picture is disabled.
Editing ‘Media Tagging’ of Picture
Any picture in the ‘All Pictures’ album can be Edited to add, change, or delete ‘Media Tagging’. When the ‘Media Tagging’ option is modified and saved, the associated Message portion of the feature will be affected in the following ways:
- Residents which have been added will receive a new ‘Message’ at this time.
- Residents which have been removed from tagging will not receive any messaging and the Picture will no longer appear in their ‘All Pictures’ album.
- Residents which were previously tagged and remain so will see no change.
- Select the ‘Pictures and Video’ tab of a Community or User Account from the navigation pane in the web application.
- From the ‘Albums’ page, click "All Pictures".
- From the ‘Albums’ page, click the desired Album and double-click on the photo you wish to Edit.
- Click on the ‘Change’ link on the Media Tagging line beneath the picture. This will open the ‘Edit Media’ dialog.
- Add / remove Residents by selecting or de-selecting already the checkbox, next to their names and then click Back on the bottom left of the dialog.
- On the ‘Edit Media’ dialog, click ‘Save’ on the bottom right of the ‘Edit Media’ dialog. Once saved – any new Messages will be sent out.