For each content item that you create in the admin console, you can set where the content appears using the "Applies to These Communities" section.
The community that you were viewing when you started adding the content item will already be selected by default. You can change that by choosing Add More, then selecting which communities should see the content.
Content that you add to the Campus community will automatically be inherited/displayed on the unit communities. If you want a content item to only display in some units, make sure that the campus community is not selected, and instead, just select the unit(s) where the content should display.
Example 1: Some communities have different activity schedules in their Assisted Living and Memory Care units. In that case, you would select either the Assisted Living or Memory Care unit as appropriate for each activity, and the activity would only appear in that selected unit..
Example 2: Some communities have one set of menus for their entire campus, which does not vary from one care unit to another. In that case, you would select the campus community on the menus, and they would then be inherited by every unit at the campus.
When you are viewing a content in a unit, content items that have been inherited from the campus will display an indicator.
To edit a content item that is being inherited from the campus, switch your view to the campus community using the Community Switcher, then open that content item to edit it.