Intro to Creating a Template
This article will teach you how to Create a Template in TemplatesHD.
When creating or editing a Template, keep in mind that a Template is a background that will set the foundation for the slides that you will manage in CampaignsHD. The orientation and resolution set for your Template should match that of the monitor's; and the assets used should be secondary and tertiary pieces that round out your messaging, versus being your main points of content.
Creating a New Template
1. On the Template Manager page, click the Add Template button.
2. In the New Template window, fill out or select the best options for your Template:
- Template Name - Give the Template a unique name that is easily recognizable to users who will need access to it in TemplatesHD and CampaignsHD.
- Template Format - Choose a format that matches the orientation of your digital signage monitor: Horizontal or Vertical.
- Advanced Settings - Click on the link to toggle the additional settings for the Template.
- Canvas Resolution - Choose a predefined option from the dropdown, based on the resolution of your monitor, or pick the Custom option to manually set the resolution which is useful for larger or smaller content needs, such as a Video Wall. NOTE: If you are not sure of which resolution is needed, it's best to keep the Resolution at 1920x1080, as that is the standard resolution for most monitors.
- Add Tags - Add keywords, separated by commas, that help to optimize the search functionality for the object.
3. Once the information is set and confirmed correct, you can choose either of the Save options at the bottom of the window to continue:
- Save Template and Return to List - Creates the Template and navigates back to the Template Manager page with the Template List.
- Save and Edit Template - Creates the Template and navigates to the Template Editor page.
Editing a Template
Once you have created a Template, and have accessed the Template Editor, you'll be able to assemble and modify your assets to establish the base layer for the rest of your content.
Template Aesthetics are used to configure the background of your Template. In this section, you can set a Background Image, Background Color, and choose a Grid overlay to assist with asset placement.
Dynamic Content are content assets that will dynamically update when their sources update. You can add to your Template assets such as a scrolling RSS Ticker and Weather, Date, and Time.
Interactive and App Content allows you to add HTML, App Content, and Touch Points to add needed flare to your background. Most of the time, these assets would be best suited in CampaignsHD, meaning that this section is rarely used compared to Template Aesthetics and Dynamic Content.