The Pictures & Videos area in Share automatically aggregates all of the pictures and videos that you and others have sent to your loved one through messages to their Share email. You can help manage your loved one's media by creating and organizing items into albums, uploading more pictures and videos directly in Share, and hiding items that are no longer of interest to your loved one.
Pictures & Videos in the Share app
In the Share app, go to the Main Menu and tap Pictures & Video. Use the menu in the upper right to add and edit albums or to add new pictures & videos. Tapping the My Community album on the Pictures & Videos screen allows you to see all of the pictures and videos that the community has added to Share.
When viewing a specific picture or video, tapping the menu allows you to access the option to edit, download, or hide that item.
Pictures & Videos in the Web Portal
In the web portal, the Pictures and Video page allows you to edit albums and upload new pictures and videos for your loved one. Click into an album and use the Add button to add new media to the album.
Click on an item to edit its caption or album location, or use the Show toggle to hide that item from view for your loved one.
Use the Show Hidden button on the album screen to access previously-hidden items in order to edit them. Items that are hidden will not appear in the Share app or on Share In-Room TV.