Bulk Manager - Tutorial
Intro to the Bulk Manager App
In this article, we will review the Bulk Manager App within the Apps section in CommandCenterHD (CCHD).
Bulk Manager is CCHD's Attribute Manager; it allows you to group different types of devices together and bulk update settings for these devices for administrative purposes.
Attributes within CCHD are tags that uniquely identify devices. Once a device is given an attribute, or series of attributes, you can deliver content specific to each device based on the assigned attribute, using the Globalcast App.
Attributes are used in a number of different apps when it becomes necessary to make changes to multiple devices at once. Best of all – with one click of a button, you can update digital signage on multiple devices across multiple locations.
Accessing Bulk Manager
1. On the Navigation Bar at the top of CCHD, click Apps.
2. In the Apps section, use the Search Bar to find Bulk Manager.
3. Select the Bulk Manager App.
Adding Attributes & Assigning Device(s)
1. Click the Add Attribute button.
2. Enter an Attribute Name. Your name cannot include spaces or special characters.
3. Click Create and Manage Devices.
4. On the Manage Attributes page, assign the Attribute to a Device by clicking on the checkbox next to the appropriate player. You can click on the All Devices hyperlink, above the Device List, to rotate between different views for the Devices that have, or do not have, the Attribute: All Devices, Members, and Non Members.
Bulk Updating Device(s) with an Attribute
1. When an Attribute has been assigned to your Device(s), click the Update Devices button on the right.
2. In the new window that populates, select the option(s) you would like to edit by checking the box to the left of the option(s). This will unlock the option for you to enter or choose the appropriate setting to change.
3. Once finished with the changes, click on the Update Devices with this Attribute button .
Editing Attributes
To edit an Attribute name, click on the Name on the Attribute Manager page:
To edit Devices associated with the Attribute, or Bulk Update Devices using the attribute, you can click on the Manage Devices button:
To edit Permissions for an Attribute, click the Padlock Icon associated with the Attribute:
To delete an Attribute, click the Red X associated with the Attribute:
Bulk Updating - Available Options
The below list outlines the options available to you when making bulk changes to your devices after selecting an attribute to edit.
- Zone - Set the MediaBridge Zone that the Device(s) connect to.
- Connect Mode - Set the Connect Mode of a Device: MediaBridge or CommandCenterHD. (This option is only available for customers that use Cloud Mode.)
- Synchronization Time Frame - Set a range of time during the day for your Device to sync content. Any time outside the set hours, the device will remain in an Offline mode.
- Channel - Change the Channel on the Device(s).
- Zip - Set the location for the Device(s), based on Zip Code.
- Scale - Set the Device(s) temperature scale: Celsius or Fahrenheit.
- Outside US - If you're not able to set a Device's location via Zip Code, you can use this option to set it via Longitude and Latitude coordinates.
- Time Zone - Set the Device(s) Time Zone.
- Active - Set the Device(s) to be Active or Inactive (Inactive will put them in an Offline mode, so they will not sync files)
- Player Type - Set the type of Device/Player. In most situations, this field should not be touched unless consulting with a member of Spectrio Support. The Player Type dictates what Firmware should download to a Device, and if the wrong option is selected, it can cause sync file issues.
- Firmware (Cisco Only) - If you have a Cisco Device, you can use this field to set the proper Firmware version based on the type of Cisco.
- Live Campaign Reporting - If Live Campaign Reporting has been activated for your account, you can activate it using this option.
- Resolution - Set the Resolution of playback for the Device(s).
- Orientation - Set the Orientation for your Device(s) to pull in the appropriate content: Horizontal or Vertical.
- Alternate URL (DEPRECATED)
- MediaBridge Override IP- Set a proxied IP for Device(s) to connect to, instead of the direct IP of the MediaBridge.
- ControlITHD TV Type/Channel - Set the TV Type and ControlIT Channel that will set your TV to activate a schedule to turn your TV on and off. (Only used for devices that support and utilize RS-232)
- FTP Username (Legacy Only) - Username to access the FTP folders of a Legacy device (Cisco 4400/4310/4305, Gen. 1 Linux devices and Windows Softplayer apps)
- FTP Password (Legacy Only) - Password to access the FTP folders of a Legacy device (Cisco 4400/4310/4305, Gen. 1 Linux devices and Windows Softplayer apps)
- Web Account Username - In almost every situation, this should be left alone, as the username should be listed as admin.
- Web Account Password - Password for the Web GUI for the Device(s). This should match what was configured on the Device(s) during setup.
- Playback Type - Set the Playback Type for Live or Export. (Export is only used for Legacy Devices, such as Cisco 4400/4310/4305.)
- Highlight Touch - Select this option to highlight Touch Points configured in CCHD. These points will highlight in playback. This option is mainly used for troubleshooting purposes, if Touch Points are not working as intended.
- Advanced Tuning Option - Additional tuning options for Device(s) to calibrate syncing packages and other features affecting the network access and capabilities.
- Player Rate Limit - Set the rate of requests sent from the Device(s) during sync cycles.
- Store All Media - This will locally cache all Media options on a Device.
- Show Cursor - Unhide the cursor for troubleshooting Device(s) physically with a keyboard and mouse.
Bulk Manager FAQ
Q: What are the most common use cases for bulk manager and attributes?
- Bulk Update Devices to have Same Zip Code or Time Zone
- Group Devices by Location (Zip code or Time Zone)
- Group Devices by Content Location (ex. – Elevators, Bathrooms)
- Reassign Content by Updating Channel for a Group of Players
- Use the GlobalCast app to schedule a Campaign to multiple devices using attributes.
Q: If I delete an Attribute from Bulk Manager, does the attribute get deleted from the devices?
- No, the attribute will remain with the device unless deleted in the devices section.
Q: Can you update more than one device at a time?
- Yes, please note devices do not all have the same playback options.