AlertHD - Tutorial
AlertHD Description
You already have a plan of action for emergencies, but how do you alert the site when the plan needs to be executed? All companies need a medium to instantaneously broadcast emergency alerts since emergencies happen without warning.
AlertHD provides CommandCenterHD users the ability to activate instantaneous alerts that can take over your digital endpoints. You can target individual devices, target a group of devices, or target all devices on an account.
AlertHD RequirementsAlertHD Requirements
- Network communication across port 26 between the MediaBridge and the cloud.
- A player or group of players supported per our device matrix.
AlertHD Settings
Text Character Limit
140 Characters
User Permissions
Each user of your CommandCenterHD account can have access set for the ability to activate and/or edit alerts. This can be configured within the User section of CommandCenterHD by users with administrator access.
Custom Alert Image
This can be set under Account Images located in the Configuration section of CommandCenterHD.
Dashboard → Click on the Wrench Icon → Account Images
Accessing the AlertHD App
- Select Apps on the top orange bar of CommandCenterHD.
- In the apps page search for AlertHD
- Select the AlertHD icon
- Click the Add Alert button.
- Type in an Alert Name.(Ex. – All EST DEVICEs)
- Type in Alert Text.(Ex. – Emergency. Please exit)
- Select Target or device(s).(Ex. – All Devices)
- Check Active box if you would like this to activate the Alert to the Target assigned.Please note: If you do not select ‘Active’ but click ‘Save Alert’ then your alert will be saved without it being sent out to your target.
- Click the Save Alert button.
Activating Alerts
1. Click the Edit icon
next to one of your Alerts.
2. Check Active box and Save Alert.
Deactivating Alerts
1. To turn off an Alert, click the “X” under Cancel and Select OK to confirm delete.
2. Select OK to confirm you want to cancel this Alert.
1. How long does it take for an alert to go to a device?
You can expect an alert to occur between 30 seconds and 2 minutes.
2. What if my custom alert image does not display on my device?
The image did not download to the device so we would recommend restarting the device.
3. Are any special characters supported for my Alert messages?
The following commonly used symbols are allowed: dollar sign, percent sign, ampersand, asterisk, plus, equals, exclamation point and quotation marks. Use of any other special characters will result in your alert failing to show correctly.